This highly acclaimed film set in a small rural town in Uttarakhand, northern India, tells the story of a young orphan boy, Gattu, who works in his uncle’s garbage recycling business. Passionate about flying kites, the children in the village all dream of defeating Kali, a kite of mysterious origins that appears in the blue skies above them. The film tells how Gattu one day discovers that a local school has a roof that might serve as a strategic advantage. To gain access he must pretend to be a student and study at the school, even though he cannot read or write. Deeply touching, the film tells a story about chasing your dreams and following your heart against all odds.
In February 2012, Gattu was honoured with a special mention under Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk category at the 62nd Berlin International Film Festival.
“Gattu scores high on the emotional quotient. It leaves you with a smile on your face.” Blessy Chettiar, DNA India.