As legendary photographer Raghu Rai travels across Kashmir to catalogue unrest in the region, he is accompanied by his daughter Avani, who is intent on exploring their personal relationship on film. Raghu works with a Nikon D100 to capture his surroundings, while Avani uses DSLR video, and the pair reflect on their lives, politics and Raghu’s craft &mdash amply illustrated with stills from his archive. Rai began taking photos in the 1960s, and has published more than 50 books chronicling post-independence Indian history. He is best known for his powerful series on the 1971 Bangladesh war, the 1975 state of emergency and the aftermath of the 1984 Bhopal tragedy, as well as his portraits of Mother Teresa and the Dalai Lama. Rai junior has inherited her father’s eye and doggedness and, as their journey progresses, pries beneath the 75-year-old’s gruff exterior to reveal personal, professional and familial truths, whilst pondering her own life and legacy.